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 Warlock appli!!

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Warlock appli!! Empty
PostSubject: Warlock appli!!   Warlock appli!! EmptySun Mar 15, 2009 1:44 pm

1. What is your character's name? Dolophon
2. How old are you ? 16
3. What is your character's race and class? Undead warlock
4. What you think is best in you class, and what is worst in you class? Best i think is the dots( doing a lot of dmg)(also life tap,u never go out of mana) , and worst i think is when you play pvp( very easy to nuke and kill)
5. Told us somthing about your class. Warlocks can help the raid with many ways such as hs, summon others give imp buff for hp. And they are always in the top 3-4 in dmg
6. Are you the original owner of the account? Yep
7. What is your /played? 70 days 5 hours ....
8. Are you transferring from another server? What server? No
9. What guilds have you been in, and why did you leave? I have been into night-stalkers ravenous and shadowmoon but left because i had some problems with the gms( mostly was the raiding times( up to 2 in morning wow time, and i couldnt stay up to that time cuz i have school)
10. Give us a quick overview of your gear and link to a profile. I have pvp gear on atm( come and inspect me in game if its not a problem to you!


11. What is your main spec? Would you be willing to respec? Atm am affli-demo( am willing to go any specc for the good of the guild) most prob destro-demo
12. What is your past raiding experience before TBC before TBC just mc but not with this character( i did mc with my hunter back then)
13. What is your past raiding experience after TBC came out? I did maggy gruul kara and the eye with you guys, and i did the 2 first bosses in bt and sunwell
14 We plan to raid 5-6 days per week (see raid schedule above), how many of the required raid days can you attend? I can attend on mondays fridays saturdays ( and sometimes thursdays and tuesdays) although i have a small problem with the time(00.00)! for the next 3 weeks i wont be able to stay untill that time cuz of school! then i can
15. With a heavy raid schedule are you able to still farm for consumables and repair money? YEAH
16. Ventrilo 2.3 is required and we assume you have it; do you have a mic and use it? I have a microphone and i can use it
17. What is your computer spec’s and internet connection? Are they reliable? Yeha they are imba! no chance to dc or lagg or have any other problems
18. Do you know anyone in Dreamers?
19. Do you have any questions about Dreamers? I knew gambas and vlakas( 2 old members), also knew thorine, but i guess he doesnt remember me
20. Anything else you would like to add? I would like to tell you that my pve gear is not the best, and that i will do whatever it takes to improve it! thats the reason i have choosen you guys. i wanted a good guild with skilled ppl to raid with!Please i would love to raid with you guys, and i would love a place in your guild
21. ther than these forums is there a better way to contact you? In the game. Iam usually online and not AFK. If iam not online just ask Yokomota or lockery or nomiriath Very Happy .
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