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 good bye my friends

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good bye my friends Empty
PostSubject: good bye my friends   good bye my friends EmptyFri Aug 15, 2008 6:57 pm

well this is our end, i didnt can image that but its happend
its be my greatest fun and pleasure to have fun with u m8s, and am not happy coz it happend but that's it
i miss u all, but thats game cya, and wish u good luck and greatest progress... Cudni

Let the force be with you

ne zelim da trpim niciju dreku bez ikakvih razloga, narocito na ljude koji nisu zasluzili da se iko dere na njih
tako se ne moze napraviti dobra atmosfera u gildu, i zato gild stalno trpi velike gubitke koji nas kostaju progresa.
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Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2008-01-08

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PostSubject: LICEMERJE   good bye my friends EmptyMon Aug 18, 2008 9:54 am

Nisam bas siguran da se drao na tebe te veceri.. A nisam te cuo da se bunis kad vicem na ljude koji ti nisu prijatelji..To sto ti isto vices na ljude kad si raid lider trebalo bi da ti pokaze ko si i sta si.....Nauci da postujes subordinaciju...I ne drami mnogo postojali smo pre tebe a napredujemo i posle vas .Nije gilda trebala ljude koji ce da kontriraju svaku zapovest od strane menadzmenta nego lojalne i radne ljude.To sto se prica usred boss fighta je - za CLeadera koji je treba to da odradi pre bossa.Nauci da budes realan i razumi da si ti dosao kad smo mi vec postojali.A necu da pricam o tome koliko sam puta opomenuo sve u vezi price u raidu.
Osvrni se na svoje ponasanje i na cinjenicu da si ti trebao da budes primer u gildi kako se resavaju stvari...ali ko i mnogi tvoji prijatelji koje si ti doveo i koji su kao i ti otisli samo ti je sujetra na najvecem skillu.Najlakse je gquit. Ali mi smo vec imali mnogo takvih odlazaka tako da je nama to uslo u naviku. Idemo dalje.

Napravi gildu po svojoj zelji pa radi kako mislis da treba.kod nas se postuju pravila.

Sretan put.
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good bye my friends Empty
PostSubject: Re: good bye my friends   good bye my friends EmptyMon Aug 18, 2008 5:25 pm

e ovako da razjasnimo i sumiramo - iz guilda nisam izasao zato jer se iko drao na mene ili ulthuana ili bilo koga, guild sam napustio zato jer si dozvolio da ti odlaze najbolji ljudi zbog nekontrole svoje dreke, ako podviknes podviknes i zavrsis pri tom ne koristis reci debil, idiot majmun i sl. jer to nije podvikivanje i skretanje paznje na gresku - to je vredjanje i provokacija, i zbog toga je dosta ljudi na ovaj ili onaj nacin izaslo iz guilda.
a sto kazes da mi nije smetala tvoja dreka i ranije i na drugima, sam znas da sam ti govorio da pri dreci ne koristis uvredljive reci, gore vec navedene. ja nisam izasao zbog toga sto je izasao i ulthuan vec zbog tvog PRETERIVANJA, svako ce da primi kritiku, cak i ako se ne oseca krivim, ja ne znam mozes li ti da zamislis koliko strasno i odvrato zvuci kad nekom popujes 10 min.
ja ne zelim da ulazem svoj trud u nesto sto ce neko da srusi za 10 minuta neprekidne dreke, stvarno preteras.
drugo kad si vikao na ulthuana uopste nisi bio u pravu jer je i monstar mogao da izbegne vajp. healing pot, last stand, shild wall... tako da to sto je ulthuan progovorio nije moglo uticati na ono sto je se desilo, osim tog ni nismo prvi put na tom bossu i bili pa da ljudi ne znaju sta treba da rade.
ZNACI MISLIM DA JE TOLIKA BUKA I DREKA ZBOG JEDNOG VAJPA BILA POTPUNO NEPOTREBNA, a na neki nacin mi se cidi i da si i zeleo toliko da vices na Zokija da ga nateras do ode iz guilda
postoje granice tolerancije i trpeljivosti koje ljudi trpe i tolerisu - u dosta slucaja se je pokazalo da si ih prelazio

Sve u svemu bilo je lepo igrati se u Drimersima, i ima mnogo dobrih ljudi u gildi, zao mi je sto sam otisao, a nadam se da ce ti to bar malo skrenuti paznju na izbor reci koje upucujes svojim ljudima, i doneti vise tolerancije
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Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2008-01-08

good bye my friends Empty
PostSubject: licemrje   good bye my friends EmptyTue Aug 19, 2008 2:53 pm

Kao tenk trebalo bi da znas da se shild wall i last stand ne koriste na 100% hp na bossu.Po tebi bi trebali da kaznimo Monstera sto se sam nije hilovao.Znaci svi su krivi samo ne tvoj drugar koji je trebao da hiluje a ne da prica.DEFINICIJA LICEMERJA.Razgovor o bafovima se vodi pre nego boss dodje ne kad ga tenk uzme...tad hilujes tenka da ne bi ko is primera umro.
Kad ti kazes nekom da je idiot i debil kao raid leader to manje vredja nego kad ja kazem.Ok vazi.
Sto se tice odlazaka iz gilde zbog mojeg vikanja ...ima toga...ali ima i onih koji su izasli 1 sat posto su pojedini usli u gildu (pogledaj pod bivsi CB clanovi),a da ne pricam o tvojim DRUGARIMA,koji su uzeli gir i otisli iz gilde.....pfff...

Nisi mi dao odgovor kad sam te pitao koliko sam tebe i Ulthuana puta opomenuo da ne pricas ako nisi raid leader.Necu ga ni dobiti.Samo filozofiranje bez ikakvog ucinka je opis tvog posla u gildi bio kao oficira.Kad ljudima das titulu oni poonekad dobiju i injekciju arogancije......poradi malo na tome.Ako si opominjan 1000 puta za nesto i i dalje radis to isto onda si TI taj koji ne postuje nekog.Zar to nije vredjanje,i nepostovanje?
Dosao si u gildu pre mesec dana pun solidnih ideja koje si nam predocio ali osim tih ideja nisi mrdnuo prstom da nesto od toga ucinis.Filozofe niko ne voli.

Kritika drugih ti ide od ruke....poradi malo na samokritici.Svi ljudi grese ...Ja prvi....Ali ti si unikatan slucaj.........A u vezi gilde....najlakse je da napises gquit.....problemi se resavaju a ne bezi se od njih.....ne kritkuj druge pre nego sto pogledas sebe u ogledalo....ili sam imao cast da upoznam savrsenog coveka,a nisam ga prepoznao......zato ne glumi silovanu vevericu, i idi dalje...
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good bye my friends Empty
PostSubject: Re: good bye my friends   good bye my friends EmptyWed Aug 20, 2008 1:24 pm

Well,both of you can stop fighting,after all its just a game:D . GL from me(ingame Rhona).PLS english next time so we can join the discucion:D. LOL I saw few english word's:D .I need 3 hours to translate this !?@;"$ up there:D .Naaah i'm leaving it to u two:D.
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good bye my friends Empty
PostSubject: Re: good bye my friends   good bye my friends EmptyWed Aug 20, 2008 2:12 pm

I'd like to say that that evening shouldn't have ended that way.
You both are right about certain things, and all 3 (here i mean on ulthuan too) need to learn to "shut the fuck up" Smile)

As raid leader with years of experience, i learned that stupid wipes can be very frustrating and demotivating.
It took me far more time to realise that after such events ppl need a few motivational words to get the focus back and do things right (i was going really emo, kicking ppl from raid even guild at start...).
If the problem isnt obvious, we should try to isolate it and have next try, if its obvious we need to be sure ppl involved in mistake realise it so it doesnt happend again.
We wiped, so what, we'll wipe thousand times more, but we should do our best to have ppl focused so the wipes dont happend on farmable bosses.

usage of separate chat channels for class or role specific instructions is very beneficial.

we have channels like DPriests, DHealers
at that point we didn't have DPaladins (now athom made it, and as new players get used to it, you'll have all the buffs u need not even seeing any instruction on raid chat)
DPriests channel is used same way (hope Rhona will join it soon tho <3 Smile
DHealers is channel for all healers and raid leader, there we do healing assignments
Creating separate chat window where u have raid chat and those channels will only give u more focus on important so ure not distracted by guildchat, general chat crap and even whispers if u decide so.

So the obvious benefits are :
We do not interfere with raid chat so raid leader can use it to highlight important informations
We do not get distracted
Specific instructions are easy to find since this chat buffer doesnt get overwritten by irrelevant crap for other chat channels

So on that raid, Ulthuan should have simply write :
/DPaladins All put Fire Aura up!!

On the other hand we had interference and distraction that caused Main tank to die coz 3 paladins didnt start to heal but focused on something that should have already been resolved.

Anyways, i agree that what followed was really demotivating and lasted too long, there was 22 ppl listening to 3 others yelling at each other, some not even having a clue whats happening (coz of the language).
The day ended without a kill and whats much worse with 2 ppl leaving.

For the sake of good guild and raid atmosphere this shouldnt be happening, and by that i mean fights during the raid especially (whatever the reason is). Other people came to raid ang have fun, and the last thing they want is listening to fights and argues.

Constructive and calm approach will, i'm sure result in much more fun, more focus and more attendance.

In the end, i would be really happy if you guys could work it out, so we can continue to play together, instead of being shattered arround in greedy guilds with no values for friendship.

afro Peace <3
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